
University of Klagenfurt, Austria


Invited by Professor Mercedes de Luis Andrés, I'll be talking to students from her course on "visual reporting", which is based in the Media Department at the University of Klagenfurt. The activity is scheduled for April 8 at 11am (4pm in Austria). The conversation will take place via Zoom, in English. The students are working with my thesis on comics reportage in this course.

Lecture at Merz Akademie in Stuttgart


Invited by illustrator Florian Bayer, a professor at the Merz Akademie - a design, art and media college in Stuttgart, Germany - I'll be giving a lecture as part of his "Illustration for reportage" course. The activity will take place in German on Wednesday, April 3, from 2.30pm to 4.30pm at the local time. In addition to participants of his course, students from the fields of design and photography will also take part, as well as Barbara M. Eggert, Dean of the Merz Akademie. Before the lecture, the students will go to Stuttgart Zoo to do a practical drawing activity in preparation for the talk with me. I will be participating via Zoom, while Florian Bayer and his students will be meeting in the classroom in Stuttgart.

Launch of the “Little handbook of comics reportage”


Journalist Augusto Paim is launching his book "Pequeno manual da reportagem em quadrinhos" [Little handbook of comics reportage] on November 11 at the 69th Porto Alegre Book Fair. The launch will take place during a chat with Pablito Aguiar at 5pm in the auditorium of the Memorial do Rio Grande do Sul, followed by a book signing at 6pm. The book is available at the Arquipélago stand at the Book Fair (stand 28, Rua Sete de Setembro), on the publisher's website and in partner bookshops. Further information about the book is available in the press release (in Portuguese). A German issue will follow in early 2024.

24-Stunden-Comic am Wannsee


For the fourth time, around 40 artists will take up the challenge of developing individual 24-page comics within 24 hours. Without preparation - the topic will be announced shortly beforehand - and without post-production. On Saturday evening, the audience will have the opportunity to look over the artists' shoulders and talk to them. At the same time, comic journalist and organiser Augusto Paim will conduct short interviews with the artists on the stage of the Literary Colloquium Berlin. Further information (in German):

Talk at the Comicfestival Hamburg


»The Comic Reportage: Journalistic Narration in Comic Form« - More and more cartoonists are becoming reporters who cover real events in comic form — in a variety of formats and platforms. Augusto Paim offers an adept insight into comics journalism, showing how comics tie in with journalism and how narrative forms and aesthetics of comics can be put to use. 15:30 at Fotofabrique, Fabrique (Valentinskamp 34A, 20355 Hamburg). Further information:

“4 years of 24-hour comic at Wannsee” – Vernissage


Exhibition "4 years of 24-hour comics at Wannsee". From Saturday, February 18, until Saturday, March 11, 2023. Opening time: Mon-Sat, 12pm-8pm. Gallery neurotitan in Haus Schwarzenberg - 2nd courtyard, 1st floor – Rosenthaler Str. 39 – 10178 Berlin. Vernissage on Saturday, February 18, from 18 clock to 23 clock. Click here for further information!

About me

Augusto Paim © Tata Ziegler

Hi, I’m Augusto. Nice to meet you.

This site is basically my portfolio, but it was also thought as a space for you to access contents on journalism, comics and culture in general. Let me explain how it works.

There are five main sections:

Some works are listed in more than one category.

By clicking on PORTFOLIO, you have access to all the works, regardless of category.

Oh yes, of course there is also a section only for COMICS JOURNALISM, my speciality.

And there is even a BLOG, where I post news, reviews, or curiosities and some random thoughts…

That said, maybe you still need a short bio. See below!

Have fun on this site!


Augusto Paim is a journalist graduated from UFSM and Master in Literature/Creative Writing from PUCRS, both universities in Brazil. He is the author of the book “Die Comicreportage” (‘The Comics Reportage’, Ch. A. Bachmann, 2022), a result of his doctorate at the Bauhaus University in Weimar, Germany. In partnership with the Goethe Institute, he was the curator of the Osmose project for the exchange of comic artists, and he organized the I and II International Meeting of Comics Journalism. He lived in Germany for eight years, the last of them working at the LCB literature center (Literary Colloquium Berlin). He also works as a translator and reporter, developing reportages and translations both in prose and comics.

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