In June 2019, while commanding the humanitarian rescue ship Sea-Watch 3, Carola Rackete took the brave decision to ignore the Italian government’s ban and take 40 people rescued from the Mediterranean Sea to the safe port of Lampedusa. The boldness to put the lives of human beings first, in defiance of a migration policy that condemns thousands of refugees to death, led to the activist being arrested as soon as she landed. With the broad repercussions in the press, Carola became an example and an inspiration for those who, like her, got tired of waiting. In this book, she explains why she risks herself so unconditionally in favor of humanitarianism, global justice, and nature conservation. Translation commissioned by the publisher Arquipélago.
Publication year of the translation: 2020
You can buy the book on the website of the publisher Arquipélago (in Portuguese).
(Here you can find an English translation for free.)